All OpenRail News

OpenRail presentation at Open Transport Meetup

26 June 2024

Cornelius Schumacher, chair of the Technical Committee of the OpenRail Association, was a guest at the Open Transport Meetup to present the OpenRail Association. He talked about how the organization operates, looking back at the first couple of months since its formal foundation in January 2024, about the first projects, which were onboarded, and what the OpenRail Association strives for in the future.
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Open Transport Meetup Virtuell

Recordings of the FOSDEM Railways and Open Transport devroom available

09 February 2024

For the second time, team members of the OpenRail Association have coordinated the Railways and Open Transport devroom at FOSDEM. For this 4-hours track we chose 10 presentations by experts with diverse backgrounds from the large amount of submissions. While most talks at FOSDEM circulated around programming, cloud, or system administration topics, we experienced an overwhelming interest in railways and transportation.
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Picture of the crowded devroom in 2024

OpenRail Association officially launched

29 January 2024

Today, the OpenRail Association officially launched its activities with its first Board of Directors meeting held in Paris and its incorporation as a Belgian non-profit organization. This important milestone marks a major step in our mission to provide a neutral platform for the collaborative development of Open Source software within the railway sector.
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Picture of the first OpenRail Board of Directors meeting in Paris

Railways and Open Transport at FOSDEM

10 November 2023

FOSDEM is Europe’s largest gathering of Free and Open Source Software developers and enthusiasts, with thousands of people attending and hundreds of talks taking place each year. For the second time, there will be a Railways and Open Transport devroom after its well-received debut in 2023.
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Picture of the crowded devroom in 2023

Founding process of OpenRail Association started

24 March 2022

DB, SBB, SNCF and UIC are working on a joint initiative to create an open-source association dedicated to railway business. As announced by UIC’s Director General, François Davenne, at the association’s most recent General Assembly in December 2021, the aim of the association, to be called the “OpenRail Association”, will be to provide an open space enabling cooperative innovation and software development for railways.
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A handshake in front of a train

OpenRail brand launched

12 September 2019

We are launching the OpenRail brand in order to gather together and promote open source projects in the railway sector and foster the use of proofs of concept (POCs) and software developed within the railway community. OpenRail will draw upon the many advantages of open source in order to disseminate and enhance development in digital technologies.
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