About OpenRail Association

The OpenRail Association provides a neutral space for collaborative development of Open Source software in the railway sector.
It is incorporated as a non-profit organisation according to Belgian law as AISBL.

Joining the association

New members are welcome to join the OpenRail Association. They will become part of the current OpenRail members who have agreed on the association’s principles and realize the benefits of an Open Source organisation for the railway sector.

Structure and people

The OpenRail Association consists of multiple working bodies with different tasks, committed to the common goal of facilitating Open Source collaboration.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the executive body of the association, vested with this power by the association’s members. It represents the different membership categories and OpenRail projects.

OpenRail Team

The OpenRail Team is a dedicated working body to support and orchestrate the association’s activities. It is responsible for expanding the outreach of the OpenRail Association, reducing barriers for effective collaboration, and supports the Board of Directors with implementing its decisions.

Technical Committee

The OpenRail Association’s Technical Committee (TC) is responsible for selecting and overseeing the association’s projects to ensure that they are aligned with the association’s goals and values. The committee works in collaboration with the Board of Directors to make informed decisions on which projects to support and provides the necessary guidance to ensure their success.

The Technical Committee is also responsible for the necessary software and service infrastructure for code hosting and other common tools to facilitate Open Source collaboration. It may delegate operation but shall be responsible for overseeing the overall management of such tools.

All members, material and charters can be found on the TC’s GitHub repository.